The Right Environment


Growing up, I never thought college would be an option for me. 

My immigrant parents worked tirelessly to provide for their kids so there was never much time to discuss the importance of higher education. No one in my family had attended college so I didn’t have anyone to help guide me through the process. I felt hopeless. However, my sister convinced me to try, so I decided to go to MJC. Even if I failed, I could at least say I tried. Once I started, I learned how great the MJC community is and met professors and mentors who changed my life.

My experience involved much more than rigorous courses; it provided opportunities like networking. Every time I think of my achievements, I always go back to Modesto. This place has had such a big impact on my life. 

I went on to graduate from UC Irvine and considered it a great accomplishment to be a first-generation college graduate. I plan to start a master’s program this fall and hope to get experience teaching, so I can come home and give back to my alma mater in the way I was nurtured. 

I always thought I was an anomaly because of what I was able to accomplish given my circumstances, but the more I think about it, the more I realize that I am actually a product of my environment. When you are in the right environment, your life can change for the better. That is exactly what MJC was for me.

- Daniel Cornejo