MJC Announces Distinguished Alumnus for 2016
John. R. Scheuber, Class of 1960
John Scheuber began his 60 year affiliation with Modesto Junior College during his junior year at Modesto High School while involved with the Future Farmers of America. Following his high school graduation in 1957, John completed his military training in the US Army Reserves at Fort Ord prior to his 18th birthday. Before the spring semester of 1958 John was offered a scholarship by MJC Dairy Instructor Dave Risling if he would attend MJC. He accepted the offer and “the rest is history.”
John began his studies at MJC as a dairy science major following in the footsteps of brothers Leo and Ernie and sister Anita. John rekindled his relationship with high school sweetheart, Margie Olsen, whom he married just after their MJC graduation in 1960. In 1963, following his completion of a Bachelor’s Degree in Ag Business Management and a Master’s Degree in Education from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, John took one of the most prestigious jobs in agriculture education in California as instructor of agriculture business at Modesto Junior College.
Since college John has spent 10 years as an agriculture educator (named Teacher of the Year by the MJC student body in 1972), and 43 years in the management of agricultural businesses. His first industry experience, inspired by former MJC poultry instructor, George Biddle, was managing a totally integrated, 1 million bird, egg laying operation in Indiana. This provided him with diverse management experience: egg production, feed mill operation, grain elevator operation, egg processing, and marketing. After five years he moved back to Modesto with Marge (who had obtained her teaching credential in Indiana) and their four children to become the General Manager of Veterinary Service, Inc., an animal health distributor. During his tenure, VSI has grown from 31 employees to 280 and sales have increased from $6 million annually to $200 million. Until last year, John served as President and CEO of VSI. He is now semi-retired, serving as President of the Board of VSI.
Since returning to Modesto in 1978, John has been deeply involved in the local agriculture community. He has served for more than 30 years as chair of MJC’s Agriculture Advisory Committee. John also has served for more than 30 years on the California Community College Ag and Natural Resources Advisory Committee and has chaired that body for over 20 years. John also serves as past president of the National Ag Science Center Foundation which builds awareness of the importance of agriculture in our daily lives.
John Scheuber is the recipient of the National Future Farmers of America Honorary American Farmer Degree (1994) and the Kiwanis Club Service Award for Leadership in Agriculture (2004). His company, VSI, was inducted into the National Ag Science Hall of Fame (2013), and John was honored with the Good Egg Award for his lifetime contribution to agriculture (2014).
John feels blessed that his ag background, education, and experience have made it possible for him to be involved in many ag and community activities, as well as state and national committees that have benefitted his professional growth. He believes, “There is nothing more fulfilling and gratifying than to do something you truly love, knowing it is helpful to the cause and appreciated.”
Last year, John and Marge celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary and are delighted by seven grandchildren.